Portugal attracts visitors with its sunny climate, rich culture and attractive lifestyle. Whether you're planning to settle here permanently or invest in property, there's one key step you need to take: obtaining your NIF. This tax identification number, a real administrative and economic sesame, is essential for carrying out many procedures in Portugal.
The NIF, an acronym for Número de Identificação Fiscal, is a unique tax number allocated to every individual, whether resident in Portugal or not. Made up of nine digits, it serves as an official identifier for Portuguese administrations and institutions. It is comparable to the French tax number or the American social security number. Access the full content here.
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The NIF is an important element in integrating fully into daily life in Portugal. You will need it for a number of purposes in the country.
The NIF is compulsory for opening a bank account in Portugal. It enables the financial institution to identify you and declare your transactions to the tax authorities.
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Whether you are buying a property as a primary or secondary residence, the NIF is required to finalise the transaction. It appears on the property deed and is needed to pay council tax and property tax.
If you want to set up or run a business in Portugal, the NIF is essential for registering with the relevant authorities and fulfilling your tax obligations.
If you find a job in Portugal, your employer will ask for your NIF to draw up your employment contract and declare your income to the tax authorities.
The NIF is often required to access various public services, such as registering for social security, obtaining a health card or enrolling your children in school.
The NIF has become essential for many administrative procedures in Portugal, such as applying for a driving licence, obtaining a birth certificate or filing a tax return.